Nagasaki Prefecture Archaeological Center

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East Asian Archaeology

TOP > East Asian Archaeology Information Search
East Asian Archaeology Information Search

Searching for Information on East Asian Archaeology
The East Asian Archaeology information search, currently being designed by the Nagasaki Prefectural Archaeological Center, makes it possible to search for information relating to archaeological sites in Japan, Korea and China.

Carrying out a search:

Please select the country where the site you are searching for is located. (You can select more than one country)
Once you have chosen the country, you can refine your search down to a specific area.
2.Name of Site
Please enter the name of the site you wish to search for.
When entering more than one search criteria, please leave a space between each one.
3.Year of Investigation
Please select the year in which the site you are searching for was investigated.
4.Date the report was published
Please select the year in which the report for the site you are searching for was published.

When you have done any (or more than one) of the actions from 1-4, if you click the search
button, a search results list will be displayed.
If you click on the name of a site displayed in the results list or its thumbnail picture, then you
will be able to see a detailed information card about that particular site.
